Rubli Marthalen AG Alti Ruedelfingerstrass 26 CH-8460 Marthalen phone052 319 10 49
rubli tradition
Rubli ham is a specialty with over 100 years of tradition. Smoked ham was already traded by the Romans as a specialty from "from north of the Alps" as "perna fumosa". Nothing to compare and delicate in every way.
In accordance with our family tradition, everything revolves around these ham and bacon specialties. We have something for every taste: from aromatic slices to gift ideas and fresh, wafer-thin sliced ham. Whether coppa, country smoked ham, bacon, pantli and raw sausage products: The way to love UrRauch specialties is through the stomach!
The Rubli smoke specialties are made from natural raw materials. The hams, which come from Swiss farmers, are expertly cut and salted.
The recipe for the fine Rubli ham and bacon is passed down from generation to generation in the family.
At the beginning of the 21st century, the traditional company passed into the traditional hands of the Schmid family from Appenzellerland. This is how 200 years of family traditions are now connected.
Roman Schmidt
The Rubli ham and bacon owes its unique, strong taste to the care with the old smoke / UrRauch. After being rubbed with the seasoning mixture, each ham is cured in the brine for several weeks. The composition of the elaborately composed spiced tea has existed for many generations.
Our team
Katja Schmid
Nadia Rüttimann
Clirim Murataj
Astrid Matzinger
Walter Ehrenberger
basement, cellar
Hans Ruedi Saller
Elisabeth Naf
NEWS / Events
make someone happy
With gifts from Rubli Marthalen
Contact us
Customers are our most important asset. personal support, individual delivery service and a high level of readiness to deliver also ensure the success of our customers.
contact us
phone052 319 10 49
Fax 052 319 42 03
Rubli Marthalen AG
Alti Ruedelfingerstrass 26, CH-8460 Marthalen
opening hours
Monday to Friday 08.00-11.00
Monday to Thursday 1.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m
And whenever someone is at work, you are welcome to visit us.
We are looking forward to your visit. Outside of our opening hours, we ask that you make an appointment by telephone in advance.
holidays and holidays
Closed Good Friday to Easter Monday
1 May (including the working day before and after) closed
Ascension Thursday to Ascension Sunday closed
Closed Whit Friday to Whit Monday
August 1st (incl. working day before and after) closed
Closed from Christmas (from December 23rd) to New Year's Day (January 6th).